Years ago, one of my daughters gave me a winter headband for Christmas. She had painstakingly sewed on buttons spelling out M-O-M. She was concerned that I might be embarrassed to wear it. I assured her that I loved it and would indeed wear it. I have- all over the country.
Mom is my favorite name. It brings to those of us blessed to be called it many rich memories……..long pregnancies followed by what seemed like even longer births or for those of us who did not birth our children, even longer waiting times.
There were nights of no sleep that were forgotten with that first sleepy smile directed right at you. There were the constant demands that were accompanied by sloppy kisses, awkward hugs and lisped, “I wuv you’s”. Endless piles of laundry were ignored when the plea “play with me, mommy” was uttered.
With the name of Mom comes the magical power to kiss away boo-boos, mend broken hearts, and bring about world peace (at least in your little world). With that name comes the incredible privilege of being the first audience to see that oh, so, unique dance or song. You are the first to see the amazing feat of a 3ft. high lego tower or a living room wide block city. “Look at me, Mom!” echoes thru your home and can catch you at the most inconvenient moments. But you drop everything to comply.
You will see reams of paper develop into works of art that rival Picasso’s and your constant companion is the nagging fear of running out of refrigerator display space!
Then your children enter school. That first day of kindergarten is followed by that first day of high school. The days that seemed to be never ending at one point are now flying by! Why is it we only truly learn to appreciate things once they are gone?
The house is empty. The alone time you used to crave now threatens to overwhelm you. You try to remember who you were before. You try to reinvent who you are now. You try so hard to find yourself in the vast nothingness that surrounds you at times.
The voices of the past continue to haunt you occasionally at unexpected moments- like when you find a headband with buttons spelling out M-O-M. You realize that what you’ve gained has far outweighed what you might have given.
Then one day, you understand that God in his wisdom has it all worked out. I have found another name that I like just as well. If you promise NOT to tell my kids- I’ll tell you what it is. It’s Grandma!!
That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?
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