Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Thoughts

“When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I’m feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things and then I don’t feel so bad!” So goes the unforgettable song from “The Sound of Music”. We sing a hymn in Church that has us counting our blessings. Scientists call it using our positive energy to dispel the negative. I call it finding the “happy thought”.
No matter how bad the situation is you can always find a “happy thought”. In the 70’s, Cat Stevens had a song called “Moonshadow”. It illustrated “happy thoughts” perfectly. “If I ever lose my legs, I won’t moan and I won’t beg. If I ever lose my legs--- I won’t have to walk no more.” He went on to sing about losing other body parts. It sounds horrible but it really was a beautiful song about making the best of what life dishes out.
I chose years ago to use the phrase “happy thoughts” because in the play Peter Pan, when everyone wished to fly, pixie dust was sprinkled on them but that wasn’t enough. Peter told them all to think “happy thoughts” and they would be able to fly. I have had a number of hard times in my life. Just getting thru them has never seemed to be enough for me. I want to fly!
And for those cynics out there who don’t think this life skill works all I can say is try it. It helps us stay balanced during the stormy times of life. Now, a word of warning, don’t “happy thought” your way out of the situation completely. “Happy thoughts” are NOT a way to get out of dealing with things. They just help you have a better perspective. You can see the problem clearer while flying over it than down on the ground neck deep in it.
If you need help finding your “happy thought” in any situation, ask someone close. They may be able to see it when you can’t. Just in case, here is a generic “happy thought” most of you can use. “You are stronger than this. You are brave and courageous. And let’s face it- you are my friend (sibling, parent, spouse, child, etc.). So that means you can put up with anything!”
That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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