Not too long ago, my husband’s workplace insisted that all employees and their spouses must participate in a health assessment. We were given questionnaires to fill out. We also submitted to blood testing, weighing, measuring, and had our blood pressures taken. The results were compared to the normal health standards. At completion, we were sent personalized booklets showing the results and giving us suggestions to increase our well being.
My personalized booklet says that I am overweight and my cholesterol is high. In these two areas my health is at high risk. I could be pissed that they are telling me I’m fat. (How dare they!! They don’t know me or my circumstances!! I’m so offended!)
There are other areas that I am doing well and so show to be at low risk. I exercise regularly. My good cholesterol is really high. I could be complacent. (I’m doing really well in these areas so I won’t worry about the others).
In short, I can choose my reaction to this assessment. Will I let it help me or not? Should I take it personally? (They all are against me because I’m fat! They hate me!)
Maybe I will work very hard to get the weight charts changed because I don’t like the fact that the present standards say I’m overweight. (My weight is only a problem because the charts say it is so let’s change the standard!)
God has set a standard for sexuality. Sexual relations should only occur between a man and woman who are lawfully wed. Anything and everything outside of those guidelines is in violation. Period. This is not personal. It is not hateful. It includes all types of violations- affairs, date sex, rape, molestation, living outside of wedlock, teenage experimentation, same sex, pornography, prostitution, etc. Even in a marriage, sex used inappropriately is in violation.
Does God hate those who break the law? NO! Do you hate your children when they break a rule? Does He want us to hate those who break the law? NO! We can love people and not like what they do. How about if enough people get together and try to change it? Maybe I can get the weight standards changed on paper but it won’t change the fact that I am at an unhealthy weight.
I could blame my condition on my genes and say that there is nothing I can do about it but that is only partly correct. Do my genes predispose me to be fat? Yes. Does that mean there is nothing I can do about it? No. It just means I have to work harder to maintain the standard.
If God says that something is wrong, it doesn’t matter how many people say that it is right. This is not a democracy- what God has said He stands by. And on this subject He has always been quite clear. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?
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