Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Hater

I hate Halloween! I absolutely, positively hate it! I didn’t always hate it. As a child I remember loving it. I think I began hating it after I had children of my own. I had more children than money and even buying candy to give out was a budget buster.

What was especially hard for me was the fact that I was trying to teach my children to be giving people. Halloween is so selfish! Give me, give me, give me and I got more than you did. I hated the bargaining that always took place over the next few days- “I’ll give you my Almond Joy for three of your blow pops.”

Thank goodness costumes weren’t as big of a deal as they are today. Zero money was spent on costumes at my house. My children usually made their own from the dress up basket we always had. At least the lucky ones did. Those who did not got stuck with my creations.

Considering that I am not a sewer and the fact that I waited till the last minute because I was hoping everyone would have chicken pox or something, I thought I did pretty darn good. Besides, I reasoned, they are not going to remember what they wore to a Halloween party when they were four. I forgot about pictures and an older brother with the memory of an elephant!

So one year I wrapped a couple of small boxes with gift wrap and bows. I cut a whole for head and arms. I slid my 18 month old and his 2 ½ yr. old brother into them. Then I taped a sign on each gift that read, “Good things come in small packages.” I thought it was cute!

Another year I was attending our church’s party without my significant other, (he had to work). That meant me, four children under the age of six and lots of SUGAR. I was frantic until I came up with the idea to go to the party as a pumpkin patch. We all put on various sizes of pumpkin lawn bags. We stuffed them with newspaper and we were all tied together with green twine. I thought it was brilliant!

My all time high (or low if you’re talking to my kids) was the year I messed up weekends. I realized the party was that night about 2 hours before we were supposed to be there. I tried fervently, to talk my children out of going but I had no luck. I was out voted.

I wracked my brain for something- anything to use for costumes. While doing chores in the barn I noticed a stack of empty bags that were waiting to be thrown away. They were large dog food bags. I took them in, cut arm and leg holes, stuck each of my children in one and stapled the top. And yes, we went to the party as dog food.

It might not have been so bad but for the first time ever there was a costume judging contest. The children circled the gym while everyone else watched. One family came as Robin Hood and his merry men. She said she made the costumes but I KNOW that she got the costumes from Hollywood. And then, right behind them came five bags of dog food. I wanted to die!

If my younger children ever complain about their costumes my older ones look at each other and their siblings with disgust. “At least Mom has never made you be a bag of dog food.”

I told you- I hate Halloween! That’s the view from my side of the street. What’s yours?

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