Monday, November 5, 2012

Stand up and be counted!

Tomorrow is Election Day. Deciding who will run our country for the next few years has rarely been more important than the choices that lay before us today. Not only is the race for president hairline close, the race for both branches of Congress is tight, also. It is time to stand up and be counted!

It is also our chance to stand up and be counted for numerous issues in each of our home states. Here in Oregon the issues include measures to shutdown commercial salmon fishing, legalize marijuana and privately owned casinos (not on Indian land). Not being “plugged in”, some of these came as a big surprise to me, especially because the wording of each measure is misleading. Big surprise there, right?

One thing that I have appreciated about the Oregon voting process is the comprehensive voters pamphlets that we receive. Each measure is laid out, explained, assigned a for and against paragraph by committees and then arguments for both sides are included. These spots are paid for and represent individuals and groups. In short, it gives the voter a chance to understand the issue. It works well IF the voter will read it.

Let me tell you what the voting process looks like for me. I have not seen a single commercial. They are usually misleading and emotionally charged anyway. I don’t miss it. Oh, wait there was the one little sound bite on my computer- Morgan Freeman’s voice saying “few presidents have had to deal with as much as this president”. It popped up several times and I was annoyed. I wondered what Lincoln, Truman, Kennedy, Washington, and others would have to say about that. Being president of the United States has never been easy.

So… TV commercials to tell me how to vote…….no newspapers……oh, no………how could I possibly make an informed decision? Let me tell you. I watched all four debates on my computer. I love the debates because they are live..can’t call for a retake or cover something up you wish hadn’t been said. It’s a chance to see candidates as they will come across to others all over the world. It’s a chance to see them relate to each others and the audience.

I read about the candidates on many different computer sites. I get the views of those who are for and against. I find getting both sides to be very helpful whether it’s candidates or issues I’m checking on. I think both sides over and vote with the one that I believe to be right.

Over the years making these choices has become easier because I stand firm on social issues. I will never support gambling, drug use, abortions or choices I feel put my countries values or safety at risk. Choices that may strip us of religious freedom or choices that I feel will harm the basic family structure will also always find me standing firmly against them.

Today is the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote in my adopted state. I’m grateful for the women who fought hard for that right. We women have the Divine privilege of taking care of home and family. We must keep that in mind as we head to the polls tomorrow. Stand up and be counted! That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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