Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tacos for Dinner

It’s been a long hard day. My husband and I are at our local small grocery store looking for something to make for dinner. We are hungry, tired and grumpy. My husband wants us to get some stuff to make tacos. I agree and we search for the right things. Since I am always trying to save money, I am grabbing the cheaper generic type ingredients. This doesn’t satisfy my husband. He will only eat certain brands. That irritates the heck out of me. We are short and snappy with each other but we don’t want a fight and I give in.

But I am pissed and I let it show in my actions. I am mad all the way through the store. I am mad all the way through the checkout. I am mad all the way to the car. I am mad as we drive off. I am preparing to be mad all night but this is the only night of the week that he is home. I really don’t want to ruin it but really……he can be soooo stubborn sometimes!!!

At this, that little voice in my head says, “HE can be stubborn?? HE? What else does he ever ask for? What else does he ever spend money on? What are all the things you spend money on that he probably thinks are stupid but he NEVER says anything about? Let’s see….candles, makeup, nail polish….handbags, shoes, earrings….mmmmm, do I need to go on? Is spending a few cents more on the brands he likes really that big of a deal? No, I didn’t think so.”

By the time we arrive at the house I am no longer angry. Actually I am feeling about two inches tall and grateful for such a good man. I am happy to make him tacos just the way he loves them. He certainly deserves them. He truly does ask for so little and he does so much.

I feel sorry for men today. I’m sorry ladies, but we really do expect an awful lot from them. And we can be soooo critical about the things they do or don’t do. They offer to help with chores just to hear us complain about the way they did them. We leave the kids with them for an afternoon and complain about the house being a mess. We pout when they want to go off with the boys but expect no problem when we plan to go to a Pampered Chef party. We interfere when they discipline the children and then complain when they don’t. Anything sound familiar yet?

And we mustn’t forget our “mood swings”. Early in our marriage my husband asked me if something he did was irritating. My reply was inspired, “Hon, I’m a female. Any given day everything you do might annoy the heck out of me. The next day it won’t bother me at all. Don’t worry about it.”

I think my husband should earn medals for putting up with me. Special ingredients for his dinner seem a small price to pay. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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