Monday, March 4, 2013

Media Lies

I stumbled across a website in my wanderings one day. It caught my eye so I stopped to visit for awhile. It was a fashion site with some appropriate name that I can’t remember- something like “Closet Genie” or “Crafty Closet” or such. The hostess was a stylist for the stars. That should have been my first clue that maybe this particular site wasn’t for me.

This site had ten minute episodes with interesting titles, “Upgrading the Tomboy in You”, “How to dress ten pounds lighter”, “Going from office to nightclub without going home”. The one that caught my eye to begin with was “How to look like a million bucks without spending that much”.

I started watching the “Budget friendly basics.” She lost me at “hello”. Her idea of budget friendly was a $350 purse, $175 shoes and a must have dress for $800. She went on to showcase other items that in her words, “won’t break the bank”.

I know and have known many women in my life’s circle. These women have come from a wide variety of socio- economic backgrounds. I don’t know anyone who would consider $800 for a dress inexpensive. Nor would they feel that way about a $350 bling ring or a $175 belt.

I feel that we are being sold a bill of goods. Not only should all women be a size 0, now we have to spend a lot of money on our clothes or we are nothing. If our handbags aren’t expensive with a designer label we are nothing. If we don’t have the newest phone or other electronic device, we are nothing. If our car is more than a few years old, we are nothing.

If we don’t have white teeth or six pack abs or a year round tan or the latest nail art……..etc…..we are nothing. These messages are lies!! Don’t believe them!! These “things” are superficial and unimportant. These “things” will not bring happiness. Actually, if you really can’t afford them, they will only bring you misery.

And this brings me to my real concern. In earlier blogs, I have talked about needs, wants and wishes. Too many people confuse their wants and wishes with needs. Does a woman need a purse? Of course, does she ever need a $350 purse? Nope. It’s a want or wish. Can she ever have a $350 purse? Maybe but only after all the financial needs of her family have been met.

What are needs? Housing, utilities, insurance, food, transportation, and anything else that is necessary to keep a family alive. These must all be taken care of before the list of wants and wishes (things that keep a lifestyle going).

The following saying was being passed around FB a few weeks ago- “We used to love people and use things. Now we love things and use people.” It is so true. Don’t buy the goods being sold by media today. You are of way more worth than a dress or a size or of anything else. You are a beloved child of God. You have incredible potential. God doesn’t judge us by our outside appearance. He sees right through to our heart. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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