I love to read cookbooks!! I really like reading old cookbooks. There is nothing that can transport me back to a kinder, gentler, caring world more thoroughly than an old cookbook.
I have one that is 98 yrs old. There are no oven temps given because the ovens were wood fueled. Instructions are something like, quick oven, slow oven, moderate heat, etc. It has chapters that teach what a butlers duties are, what a 12 course meal should look like, it gives party instructions, shows how to properly butcher, has a budget chapter, advice for new wives, sample menus, foods for the sick or convalescent and hold unto your hats now, it has a whole chapter on healthy eating!
Did you know that there are “fuel foods and tissue building foods”? How about that a “mixed diet is ideal for optimum health as well as plenty of water”? That the rapid growth in childhood and in our youth “requires a larger quantity of building foods” but as we near middle age, “these amounts should be diminished so as not to cause an overtaxing of the organs that can lead to disease later on”?
This chapter suggests the insane idea that our nutritional needs differ according to our size, our sex, even our jobs! It goes on to state that how we cook our food greatly influences nutritional value. It suggests that whole grains are better for us than refined. Honey is far superior to white sugar.
I have also learned that cleanliness and sterilization techniques in the kitchen are ESSENTIAL to continued household health! Who knew?
From the book’s intro: “We hope the book will contribute something to the FINE ART OF LIVING in many homes, making those homes the happier and more attractive for the husband and children, and solving many a problem for brides and beginners.” And we thought Martha Stewart pioneered that phrase.
“With this book as a guide, it will be possible for any woman to live WITHIN HER MEANS and still have that infinite variety on the table which means so much for appetite and health.” Stick to a budget, now there’s a novel idea!
From a 77 yr old cookbook comes my favorite: “ There’s a flavor of home that distinguishes the kitchen cookies, the cookies of our childhood, from all others. Perhaps it is the love that goes into the making-or it may be that the old kitchen stove manages to infuse a mysterious element into its products. But say what you will, mother’s molasses cookies, ginger cookies and hermits remain the most delectable food offered mortals. What could be better calculated to put the seal of hospitality on a home than a well-filled cookie crock?”
And we think we’ve become so advanced! I don’t know about you but I’d love to go backwards a little bit. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?
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