Friday, September 24, 2010

Driver Distractions

Driving along the freeway yesterday, I heard a news report about “driver distraction”. Apparently, our country’s lawmakers are discussing laws banning cell phone use. They were especially concerned about making texting while driving illegal. They are concerned that this particular “distraction” was extremely dangerous. Well, DUH!!!

My concern is a little different. How do you enforce a law like that? Our state bans hands on cell phone use while driving. That’s a relatively easy one- if you have a cell phone pressed to your ear and they see it – TICKET.

But those stupid enough to be texting while driving are going to lower the phone until it’s hidden from view and keep texting. Now, instead of an idiot texting on the phone up by the steering wheel where they can kinda sorta keep an eye on the road, the phone will be close to their lap and no eyes will be on the road! And unless police develop x-ray vision, how are they going to know?

I wonder if lawmakers will start passing other “driver distraction” laws. Why haven’t they banned smoking? I was side swiped by someone trying to light their cigarette. Someone else I know dropped a lit cigarette on his lap. He was momentarily more concerned about a possible burning crotch than driving. He went off the road and hit a sign post. Hey, isn’t it a distraction for a driver to be looking in purse or pocket for that ever elusive lighter?

How about eating and drinking in the car while driving? Ever spilled very cold soda or very hot coffee all over your self? Weren’t you a little distracted? I watched a young man trying to drive thru Boise traffic at night while eating a plate of nachos. He had his overhead light on, the cheese covered plate in one hand, eating with the other hand, and driving with his knees. It was scary!

We’ve all seen women putting on makeup while driving. While I have marveled at their ability to do it and not end up looking like Bozo the clown, I have also been amazed at their recklessness. Where is the law against that?

And finally, ANYONE who has ever driven ANYWHERE with children in the car knows what a HUGE distraction that can be!! It doesn’t matter if you are driving 2 blocks or 2 states away. It doesn’t matter if you have 1 child or 10 children in the car. It doesn’t matter if you are driving through rush hour traffic or a lonely country lane. They don’t even have to say anything to be distracting. Sometimes, the fact that they are so quiet can be a distraction.

Many years ago, I was driving in a snow storm and I totaled my car (no one was badly hurt) because I turned around in my seat to pull one child off another. It only took a moment of distraction. I lost control of the car and slid into a ditch.

So, my concern is once the lawmakers start trying to protect us from ourselves, where do they stop? A good driver will always be a good driver. A careless driver will always be a careless driver. No law will ever change that.

That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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