While driving along the highway a few days ago, I was passed by one of those tiny electric cars.( I have a least one son who is laughing right now at the thought of my going slow enough to be passed by a toy car as he calls them.) We’ll forget that part because what I want to ask that particular fossil fuel saver is, “Where did the electricity to charge your car come from?”
Here in my neck of the woods, there is a variety of electricity generating methods. There is a nuclear plant, a coal fired plant, dams and windmills. Now if you are like me ,you would think that the “green” people of the world would definitely chose wind and water generated electricity, wouldn’t you? Both of those sources being natural, of course, would make them preferable.
This is not so. The greenies oppose dams and windmills. That’s right. I said oppose. If I understand the arguments correctly they go something like this. The dams are detrimental to the fish and other aquatic species. The windmills, however, are ugly. They block views and need large power lines to transport the wind generated electricity.
Hmmmmmm…… So again, I ask that car driver, where does YOUR electricity come from?
A few years ago, my husband and I were listening to a report on a global warming protest in Washington,D.C. It was early spring and a surprise snowstorm had taken place during the protest. This fact didn’t change any minds according to reports. I looked at Brent and said, “I bet they were very glad to get to their warm motel rooms and order Starbucks.”
Now, reading this you may assume I’m against the green movement. That is not true. I AM against hypocrisy, though. Back in the 70’s there were many who were green but they put their money where their mouth was, so to speak. They lived without electricity, running water and other fuel consuming devices. They heated and cooked with woodstoves, went to the bathroom in an outhouse, used homemade candles, etc. I knew people like this. They lived their convictions.
I don’t see much of that today. Instead, I see a number of people who want to complain about existing problems but don’t like any of the solutions and will not come up with viable solutions of their own. In fact, what I see is a bunch of 2 yr. olds throwing temper tantrums because they don’t want to decide between chocolate or vanilla ice cream. They want both. When that is not possible, they get angry and want neither.
If they really want to be impressive, they should go back to horse and buggies or better yet, Fred Flinstone cars. That would solve another national dilemma, the increase in the morbid obesity rate. In the meantime, stop with all the hot air- there’s a global warming problem, you know.
That’s the view from my side of the street today, what’s yours?
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