China raises interest rates and our stock market takes a plunge. Why does such a decision in China have such an effect on us? I’m no expert. As a matter of fact, I’m just a homemaker but as I understand it, China is the United States biggest financial backer. In other words, the US owes big time money to the Chinese government.
What I don’t understand is why more people aren’t concerned about this! The last time I checked, China was still under communist rule. I thought we were against communistic policies. Our budget has created such a deficit that we had to get the money somewhere so when China offered we accepted, hook, line, and sinker.
The image of a loan shark and his thugs come to my mind. You know the scene. Some poor slob gets in over his head with gambling debt. In desperation, he turns to loan shark Louie. They call them sharks for a reason- the whole set up is predatory in nature. The poor slob has sold his soul. It is almost impossible to get out of the game. He will keep owing more until they break his legs or kill him.
We, the United States, are the poor slob. I have a real problem with that! We are supposed to be a super power, able to hold our heads up anywhere. How can we do this when we have sold our financial soul to China? We will continue to owe more and more until they break our legs or kill us.
Didn’t there used to be a saying that he who ruled the purse strings ruled the nation? Indebted to another nation beggars the question of who really is in charge.
We mustn’t forget our ancient history. China was a super power centuries before anyone even knew there was an America. Thousands of years ago, they were a leading civilization in innovations and warfare. Conquering other countries was almost a pastime for them. They believed themselves to be superior to all other nations and people. They still do.
As stated, I am not a political mastermind. I don’t know how this all happened but I suspect it was one justified choice after another on the part of our politicians. They are the ones who should know better. But maybe they are too close to the situation to see clearly.
Here’s an interesting fact-do you know that if you put a frog into hot water, he will jump out immediately. However, if you put the frog in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, he will sit in the pan and boil to death.
I think many of our country’s leaders are slowly boiling to death. My hope is that there are enough of us out there jumping out of the hot water to effect a change before the loan shark’s thugs are put in action.
That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?
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