Friday, December 17, 2010


The following is a quote from the book, The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. “Then said a rich man, speak to us of giving. And he answered: You give but little when you give of possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
I was reminded of this last night when I brought cookies to some of the people that live in the complex we used to work at. Of course, they were appreciative of the cookies but they found more delight in the fact that I was visiting them. I recognized it so I did stay and visit with each one although that was not my original plan.
EVERYTHING around us at this blessed time is screaming out shop, shop, shop!! Then it’s- gotta go to this house, and that house, and again another place for parties. Let’s not forget the office parties and the school events! We can’t forget the stack of cards waiting to be finished and mailed. And the endless batches of cookies that have to be made.
We’ll be up all night at least once just to get all the gifts wrapped (one year I wrapped over 200 but that’s a different story). Everyone is cranky- our regular routines are disturbed- we are exhausted! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! HO-HO-HO! BAH-HUMBUG is more apt to be the way we are feeling.
So I’m going to tell you something- S…l…o…w…d…o…w…n…! Take some deep breaths. Then write down everything you think you have to do before Christmas. Now go make a cup of hot chocolate. Sit back down with your list- place a star next to the very most essential tasks/activities. Hint- memory makers/traditions are essential. Sip your drink. Now, put a checkmark next to the tasks you can give to someone else. Hint- young children LOVE to do the cards, the people who receive them will be tickled pink. Take a few more sips. Now put a line thru the things that really aren’t going to matter. Hint- your sister’s best friends children’s concert can be skipped.
Try giving the gift of quality time- instead of purchased gift cards at great restaurants for your parents; make your own gift card good for a night out or in together. Make free babysitting cards for friends, backrub cards for your spouse, I’ll clean your room once for you cards for your children. The list is endless.
And take the time to stop and visit those in need of visiting- it will uplift and refresh you, too. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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