Happy New Year to everyone!! If you are like most people you have a long list of resolutions. If you are like most people you’ll have broken those resolutions within the week. If you are like me you hate New Year’s resolutions! I feel that resolutions are ultimatums that we give ourselves- do this or else!!!
But starting a new year is a great time to rethink our lives and see if we want to make changes. One of my favorite sayings is “Hate something? Change something!” So go ahead -set some goals for yourself. Unlike resolutions which have you jumping over tall buildings in a single bound- goals are like climbing a ladder to the top, one rung at a time. It doesn’t matter how fast or how slowly you climb. The only thing that matters is that you just keep climbing.
Big goals are easy to break down into little goals. And each small goal you achieve gives you a feeling of success. That feeling keeps you motivated to continue the climb. It works something like this- I want to lose 60 pounds (BIG goal). I keep thinking about it and thinking about it. Sixty pounds, wow, that gets more overwhelming the longer I think about it. By Monday, I’ll have self talked myself into the impossibility of it and eat some donuts!
Now let’s break that down a little bit:
1- I will go for a walk 3x a week.
2- I will eat a good breakfast everyday.
3- I will eat more fruit less sweets.
4- I will do my yoga dvd 2x week.
5- I will write down everything I eat.
Do you get the idea? Instead of setting yourself up for failure you are making it easier to win! This technique works with all types of goals. You can even break the small goals down to tiny goals- I’ll eat one bowl of oatmeal with skim milk and Splenda every morning (#2). I will walk around the block once(#1).
Now you are a winner!! You can do anything! Just remember this quote-“Goals are stars to guide you NOT sticks to beat yourself up with!”
Be safe this holiday- I’ll see you next year! That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?
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