A few days ago in the big town that is closest to us there was an incident. We don’t have incidents much in our neck of the woods so it’s always news. This particular incident seemed newsworthy to me if only because of the stupidity involved. I’m still shaking my head in disbelief!
A 29 year old man was picking up a few things at a corner store. For reasons unknown at this time, he chose not to pay for these items. The value was just under $20. That’s a minor shoplifting charge.
He exited the building, jumped into a pickup that was not his and took off heading for the freeway and a way out of town. Now, he’s looking at shoplifting AND a grand theft auto charge.
Two policemen catch up to him. He takes off even faster leading them in a high speed pursuit. Shoplifting, grand theft auto AND evading police. They try to get around him. He rams into both police cars. Shoplifting, grand theft auto, evading capture AND two attempted murder charges!!!
They did catch him. But I’m trying hard to comprehend the reasoning (or lack of) that took place in this person’s brain. Do the math! He is looking at spending the next 30 years in prison for less than twenty dollars- WHY???
I know the argument- he wasn’t thinking- he was probably tanked on something, etc. etc. But I see it as a symptom of the world we live in. So many of us make a small mistake and instead of claiming responsibility and paying for it, we go to extremes to cover it up. It is more important for us to “get away” with it than to just own up. The results are the same. The ending price is much, much higher than if we had taken care of it in the first place
You know- “What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”. That applies to ALL dishonesty. What huge burdens of guilt are we carrying around? In the long run wouldn’t it be easier to put the burden down by unweaving the web and fixing the original mistake? I think so.
That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?
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