Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The weed of pornography

There is a weed growing in several of my flower beds. My husband calls it a Morning Glory but it is very different from the Morning Glories I remember back east. He told me to kill every bit I could find but I found this difficult to do. It is a vine plant, needs little attention and can be quite pretty. I preferred to call it a wild flower and let it do its thing.
As usual, my husband was right and I was wrong. This pretty little plant is a killer! It is not content to grow on the trellis’s I put up. It is not content to be ground cover in my bare spots. It is not content to stay in the container I placed it in. No, it is not content with anything short of choking out the life of every other living thing growing around it!
It is by far the sneakiest of plants. It sends it’s feelers under the ground until it finds living roots. It then comes out with the other plants own growth and winds itself around and around. The speed with which it can appear and destroy is scary. One day it is not evident. The next day finds it already entangled. Sometimes it is impossible to pull out without destroying the plant it has attached itself to.
We have a weed like this in our society today. It is called pornography. Its influence starts out small and seemingly harmless but it is not! Like the weed in my flower beds it spreads and spreads attaching itself to all areas of life until it chokes out the life of those who have become involved in it. Please listen to me- NO pornography is okay!!
I have watched families be destroyed by this weed including my own. I didn’t know what was happening. My family, my marriage, my spouse were all being choked by this life sucking weed. I saw the destruction but because the weed was spreading and growing under the surface I had no idea what the real causes were.
I was naïve about many things. The symptoms were all around me but I didn’t know the disease. It was only after the destruction was complete that it reared its ugly head and revealed itself. It has taken me several years to even understand it all and to finally recognize it for what it truly was.
A few years after my divorce, I was staying in a motel by myself. As I flipped thru the channels I was shocked to find an actual porn channel!! I had never seen anything stronger than Playboy. I watched for a few minutes- YUCCHH!! But thru the evening I flipped to it again and again for a few minutes to see if it was all the same. It basically was. It answered a lot of my questions about things I didn’t understand in my family especially the huge lack of respect for womanhood.
And I realized this- pornography is like a real loving sexual relationship the way that WWF wrestling is like the Olympics- in other words, IT’S NOT REAL!!!! It is fake and overacted and empty! If you base your relationship on what you learned from porn you are missing the whole boat!
Please…please…please..if you are letting this weed grow in your life, GET RID OF IT!! It will choke out everything that’s good in your self and in your life. Please believe me- I know!!
That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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