Friday, October 8, 2010


I just heard the greatest line- “Here, take my advice, I’m not using it!” I love it!! Anyway, the best advice I ever received as a parent of teens was the following: “Parents are the teething ring that teenagers cut their adult teeth on.” This incredible bit of wisdom came from an old Readers Digest. I memorized it.

There were times when I chanted it under my breath, “parents are the teething ring that teenagers cut their adult teeth on, parents are the teething ring……..”

If you don’t have teenagers right now, this will probably mean nothing to you but trust me it will someday! So print this and put it somewhere safe to take out and read later.

If you are the parent of a teenager right now, you may be curled up in the fetal position, groaning with pain “Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!” Because being a teething ring HURTS! Being a parent of a teenager HURTS!

But those of us that have had babies know how important it is to that baby to have something to chew and chew and chew on to help those teeth cut through. Heck, those of us who have had puppies know the same thing. We also know that if we don’t provide puppies with something to chew on the results can be disastrous especially to Great Grandma’s table leg! Something to chew on is essential if you are a baby, puppy or a teen.

One wise mother’s response to my quote was, “We really wouldn’t want them to go to someone else to chew on.” No, I don’t think we do. Teeth can come in crooked if the wrong things are chewed on.

Another mother’s response, “I guess my heart must look like the old teething ring- plenty of teeth marks but now that mine are all adults, I can honestly say that every mark was worth it.”

I love the quote because being a teething ring does hurt but chewing is so very essential for those “adult” teeth to come in straight and true. I also know that the teeth come through and the chewing stops and the pain forgotten.

That’s the view from my side of the street , what’s yours?

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