Friday, March 29, 2013

Tumbling Tumbleweeds (back by popular demand)

I watched a really scary movie the other night! I went to bed and had nightmares all night long! The name of the movie was “The Wizard of Oz”. Stop laughing, I’m not kidding! I mean, who’d of thunk it? I’ve seen the movie a zillion times.

What was different this particular night is that we live in a high wind area and this night, winds howled by at 40 mph. I heard that in my sleep and pretty soon started dreaming about my house spinning round and round. The witch flew by screeching obscenities. Trees, cars and trains blew by my dream window (I also live near train tracks and a highway). Although exhausted, I was relieved to see that my house was still where it belonged when I awoke!

Wind is our primary weather problem here on the Columbia River. I think the reason they seem so strange is that they come alone- unaccompanied by rain or snow. This is unlike most other areas of the country with their tornados, hurricanes, gales, blizzards, etc.

I have been in this area for 10 yrs. There is still a phenomenon that occurs with these high winds that I have not been able to accustom myself to- the tumbleweed migration! It very much resembles herds of animals trying to cross the road. A herd of tumbleweeds will be crossing the road at a point in the highway. You can see whole families- great big grandpa and daddy tumbleweeds are followed closely by medium sized grandma and mommy ones, then the teenagers (you can tell them by attitude as well as size, they keep jumping out of line), they are followed by the younger ones rolling very fast in an effort to keep up with the bigger tumbleweeds.

Once in awhile, you’ll catch a glimpse of a rogue out on it’s own but they tend to stay at the side of the road. They don’t often try to cross the road on their own. However, there are times when you see one that didn’t make it plastered on the front grill of a car or truck.

Even harder for me to bear are the tumbleweeds that now tumble with a limp because they did get hit- their roll is not smooth and lightening fast anymore, it’s more like a grocery cart with a broken wheel- kerthump, kerthump, kerthump. I find them particularly heartbreaking!

And than there are the “Prison Break” weeds- they pile themselves against a fence or barrier until others can just roll over them and get over the fence! That’s a rare but amazing sight.

Now that I live in Oregon maybe I should start a “Protect Migrating Tumbleweed” movement. Never mind, someone probably already has.

Well, that’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Same Sex Marriage

The same sex marriage issue is again in the headlines. Again, we hear those that are for it claim equality as the foundation they stand on. They talk about human rights comparing their fight to the fights for equality of the races or equality of the sexes. I have seen same sex marriage compared to bi-racial marriage. Yes, bi-racial marriages were illegal at one time and are no longer.

I have gay family and friends. So this issue breaks my heart because I understand it so completely from their point of view. It seems so simple……let’s just legalize same sex marriage then everything will be okay. Partners will have the lifelong commitments they long for. Insurance companies will extend benefits to include their loved ones. Many of the day to day living problems of cohabitation will be solved. Everyone will live happily ever after, right?

Wrong, it is not that simple. Even if the laws do change to legalize same sex marriage it will NEVER be right in God’s eyes. He has ordained marriage as a holy ordinance. He has ordained it to be eternal. He has commanded that it be between a man and women. “ Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Genesis 2:24(also see Matt19:5)

In 1Corinthians 11:11-12 we read “Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things are of God.” We read this “And again, verily I say unto you, that whosoever forbiddeth to marry is not ordained of God, for marriage is ordained of God unto man. Wherefore, it is lawful that he should have a wife, and they twain shall be one flesh, and all this that the earth might answer the end of its creation.” And this “let every wife have her own husband and every man have his own wife.”

On the subject of same sex relationships we find, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.” And “There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.” Another one “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be ye not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”

These next scriptures are found in Romans and might answer those who think that God is the one that made them this way, “ Wherefore God also gave them up to the uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie….

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another: men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving that recompense of their error which was meet.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things that are not convenient .” In short, He let’s us have our way even if it’s the wrong way. He will never take the freedom to make our own choices from us. It is that ability to choose which can lead us into spiritual bondage and slavery.

Same sex marriage is NOT the same as biracial marriage or equality of the races because those have been approved by God. Same sex marriage is and will never be part of God’s plan. It is unholy and unnatural.That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Monday, March 25, 2013


The scriptures have awesome instructions on forgiveness. There is the commandment “I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive but of you it is required to forgive all men.”

There is the promise, “For if ye forgive men their trespasses your Heavenly Father will also forgive your trespasses.” It is followed by the scary very motivating promise that “if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” That alone should place forgiveness pretty close to the top of all our learning lists!

Here is something that I heard over 30 years ago. It is a simple statement that at first glance doesn’t appear to have anything to do with forgiveness. The statement is this- “If you truly love someone, you can not be hurt by them.” When I first heard this I knew it was a true statement but I couldn’t quite get my head around it. It burned itself into my soul and over the years it would pop up every once in awhile and again I would almost but not quite get it.

I think I understand it now and I realize that love has everything to do with forgiveness. In fact, they are inseparable. Christ like love is given in SPITE of a person’s actions not BECAUSE of them. It is instant forgiveness, given to a person not because they have earned it but because we see past the hurt they caused us to the hurt they are causing themselves. There lies the key to forgiveness- taking ourselves and our hurt out of the equation, caring more about the other person than we do of ourselves.

We are human. We will all hurt at times. What we do with that hurt is what’s important. Will we let it fester and swell with blame and hate? Or will we let the cleansing power of love and forgiveness begin the healing process?

The Atonement of our Savior has everything to do with love and forgiveness. He suffered the weight of our sins in Gethsemane so that we could be forgiven of them. Do we believe in the Atonement or don’t we? If we believe then we have to believe that the Atonement applies to everyone. If Jesus died so that all could be forgiven, who are we to hold back our forgiveness? Who are we to pick and choose who we will or will not forgive?

I’d like to add a thought that a wise and sweet friend shared with me recently, it goes something like this-, “I believe that everyone is doing their best with what they’ve got, who they are, and what their circumstances are.” To which I would add, “even if they aren’t, that’s their problem not mine and I won’t let it become my problem or let it hold back my progression.”

The Atoning blood of Christ offers forgiveness to everyone including us, let it in, let it cleanse, let it heal the hurts done by others and the hurts we’ve done to ourselves by not forgiving the hurts done to us by others. During this Easter season as we ponder more deeply than usual the sacrifice of our Savior, let’s all renew our commitment and open our hearts, letting Him teach us to love and forgive even as He does. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Visitation Blues

It’s Friday. I’ve been waiting for this day for two weeks. It’s my visitation weekend again. I’ve cleaned the house, stocked the fridge, and picked up some favorite food. I always leave a few hours early to run errands. At least that’s what I tell myself and others but the truth is I just can’t wait here at home. I’m too happy and excited. I love my weekends with two of my daughters.

I get impatient because they are never ready when I get to the house. I sit in the car. If I’m really antsy I play with their dog Buddy. I’m not welcome in the house but Buddy loves me. He runs for his toy when he sees it’s me and we play toss for a few minutes. The girls head out with backpacks, Ipods and phones.

We hug quickly and climb in to the car. Immediately the chatter starts……they fill me in on boys, friends, classes, the latest injustice done to them by sibling, parent or friend. I fill them in with happenings on the farm, the latest crazy cat story or what Mo (one of our dogs ) is up to now. It doesn’t really matter what we are talking about. We are together. My usually fragmented self begins to feel whole again.

We pull into the driveway amidst the hoopla of dogs and cats welcoming their girls with unbridled exuberance. We walk in the house stumbling over the wriggling piles of fur. Bags are dropped by the door, shoes kicked off in the kitchen and coats are thrown on the couch as both of them look for Brent. He is usually still sleeping (he works nights) but neither they nor he cares. They crawl over the bed to cuddle and talk. This ends all too soon because both of their phones are vibrating with unread texts. My usually clean quiet house has exploded with family noise and clutter.

I lay in my husband’s arms as we listen to the bustle. They are checking out the fridge, the cookie jar, the freezer. “Mom, can we make doughnuts tomorrow?” Sure. “Mom, will you make your homemade macaroni and cheese?” Okay. They get into an argument about whose turn it is to empty the dishwasher. My husband laughs and says as I jump up to referee, “Mom, are you happy?” Yes, I am. My girls are home and I get to be Mom for a few days. Happy doesn’t begin to explain it. I live for these four days a month.

But they are getting older. Both are in Junior High at the moment. Sports, choir, friends birthdays and other activities have all begun creeping in like thieves in the night to steal my oh, so precious time. And it will only get worse when dates and jobs start up. I know. I’ve already lost some of their older siblings to the all encompassing grasp of high school.

The rule has been to clear all activities with me by Wednesday or no go. There have been some touchy times but we’ve stuck to our ground pretty well. However, it gets to be more and more of a problem due to everyone’s apparent lack of ability to plan ahead. I find that VERY frustrating.

It was bound to happen and this past Friday night it did. I did all my usual preparations, left the house early, did my errands and pulled into the driveway exactly at 6pm. The girls came out and told me of some very important (to them) activities that had cropped up at the last moment. I could see how much they wanted to participate in these activities so I said yes. I gave them permission to skip visitation that week.

I used to think that nothing could feel worse than taking them home at the end of the weekend. I was wrong. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Getting Fired

I think enough time has passed that I can tell the story of how I lost the one and only job I have had in 25 years. Let me clarify a little- I have had mine own business several times, I have worked with friends numerous times and I have worked along side my trucking husband. But this was the first real “get a W2 form” type job I’ve had since I became a mom.

I can tell you the how of losing a job but I can’t tell you the why. The person who fired me couldn’t really give me or the unemployment office a reason. I was granted unemployment because they found the whole situation as bizarre as I.

It was a beautiful summer day. The duplexes we managed were in the middle of all getting new heating/cooling systems. This was taking a lot of coordinating from me. There were legal hoops to jump through as well as workman things. You know, can’t make it today, will be late, etc. which led to paperwork and tenant notifications on my part. To say I had been running around like a chicken with its head cut off would be an understatement.

As a matter of fact, the entire year had been this way but we had persevered, worked 80 hours a week and were actually looking at things quieting down soon, at least a little. We had been told by the owners that they loved us and wanted us to work forever. We were having some strange problems with our boss and others in the management company we worked for but we hoped that would clear up soon. There was a lot of contradictory information heading our way sometimes from the same person, the boss. It was confusing and frustrating but we figured it was just because we were still learning the ropes.

So this day, the big boss showed up unexpectedly. It was no problem for us. We assumed he wanted to check out all the work being done. He ran into my husband and my sister in law just outside the office. She was picking up a rental application. Brent introduced them. When he used the word boss, he was corrected, “Oh, we are all family in this company.” Okay.

He asked Brent to join him in my office. We realized something wasn’t right immediately. He had cutoff shorts, a t-shirt with a saying on it and he was barefoot. This was all very much against company dress code. Well, maybe it was just a casual drop in just to say hi.

After sitting, helping himself to my candy bowl, and saying how much he liked coming to my office he announced that he had good and bad news, what did we want to hear first? I replied that we would let him choose. He said, “Thank you.” He then slid an envelope across the desk towards me and stated, “This is your last paycheck, we are letting you go.” He grinned as he said this. He added, “Do you have anything you want to say?”

Stunned, I ran rapidly through the things I would have very much liked to say. I’m sure you can think of a few of them. Instead I replied, “There doesn’t seem to be much point to talk about anything. It’s already a done deal. You obviously aren’t interested in anything I might have to say.” The next ten minutes were bizarre! I did ask why but all he could say was that I was the smartest person in his organization. He said this several times. When I pointed out that we had saved this particular account for him he agreed. There were a few other things I tried to discuss but it was getting more and more confusing. He agreed with everything I pointed out about our hard work. He agreed that we had turned a slummy, low income complex into a beautiful desirable community. He really couldn’t come up with anything negative. He wasn’t making much sense and I wanted to get away before I fell completely apart.

The owners were upset, the tenants were angry but it was already done. Later we found out that the next day he checked into a hospital. He was diagnosed bipolar and it appeared that he had been “self-medicating” for the past year and a half. That sure explained a lot of things that had been hard to understand. He was in the hospital for four months.

We felt compassion for him and often included him in our prayers but there is one thing I may never forgive him for. When my husband gets in certain moods he likes to egg me on by saying something along the lines of I actually drove a person crazy. Sometimes I really think I probably did. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Monday, March 18, 2013

No Longer Strangers but Friends

Not too long ago a son and his family moved from Utah to Texas. I was anxious to see them in their new habitat but I live in Oregon. During their time in Utah, a visit required a fairly uncomplicated drive of about twelve hours. The trip to Texas required a lot more.

I pondered all the options- driving, flying or riding a bus. Driving was the most expensive choice. Flying needed someone available to make the six hour round trip twice to the airport. Bussing, however, was cost efficient and convenient. I had never traveled by bus. The idea appealed to me- I could see the country, meet new people, share Grandma stories, etc. It would be an adventure!

I excitedly prepared and packed everything I thought I might need. Eye mask, ear plugs, pillow and blanket for sleeping, food, drink, meds and vitamins for health, book, scriptures and a word puzzle to stave off the boredom of inactivity, I was ready to go. I even had a few small gifts for my grandchildren.

My husband and I were at the bus stop by 2:30am waiting for my first bus. I looked at the others waiting. I swallowed hard and thought, “What was I thinking?! I’m going to be all alone. These people look scary.” I panicked.

My husband put me on the bus and waved good-bye. I walked down the aisle and back again waiting for someone to move over to let me sit. No one did. I felt like Forrest Gump on his first day of school! I noticed that there was only one other woman aboard. GULP!!

On my second time down the aisle someone kindly made room for me. I sat, the light went out and I fought back the tears that were threatening to erupt. I poured my heart out to my Heavenly Father and asked for whatever help he could send me. I felt so all alone and scared in the midst of all these strangers. How was I going to cope with these feelings for 3 days?

I didn’t have to. I was taught a beautiful lesson. The Spirit whispered, “Be yourself. Be a light. Just do what you would do in any other situation.” In short, live the gospel.

I made eye contact and smiled at my fellow passengers. I spoke softly and apologetically when someone wanted to “get all up in my face” about my bumping into them. I held a baby so mom could use the toilet. I collected trash from fellow passengers with my handy dandy trash bag. My eyes were opened to so many little acts of service. I gave my puzzle book to someone going even farther than I and my grandchildren’s toys to a restless toddler, etc.

And I realized that I was no longer “among strangers in a strange land” but among brothers and sisters. I also noticed the subtle change in those around me. The atmosphere lightened up. It was as if we were all looking out for each other instead of just ourselves. I gave others the chance to serve me as I asked for directions and information about changing buses and other unknowns. The lessons I learned (again) are the gospel works anytime, anywhere, in any situation and that I have a loving Father in Heaven who cares about sparrows and frightened grandmothers as well as all his other children. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Friday, March 15, 2013

I'm Free

A friend was buried today. His service was simple and beautiful. He had struggled with cancer and all that it brings (especially pain) for a number of months. This following poem was included in the program. I was unable to track down the author but I feel that the words are appropriate not only for my friend’s passing but for so many others.

I’m Free-

“ Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free. I am following the path God laid for me. I took His hand when I heard Him call. I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day, to laugh, to love, to work or play. Tasks left undone must stay that way. I found that peace at the end of the day. If my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss. Ah, yes, these things I too will miss. Be not burdened with time of sorrow, I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life’s been full, I savored much, Good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch. Perhaps my time seemed all to brief. Don’t lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your heart and share with me.”

It was a day of shared love and tears but mostly it was a day of quiet joy. We know that even as we bid him farewell others were welcoming him with open arms and smiles in paradise. Sweet reunions await us at the end of our mortality. Family and friends who have gone ahead gather to greet us and lead us home.

Times like this remind us of what is important in life. It’s a time to ponder our own lives to see if we are on the right track. In the end we leave this world with nothing but the things we’ve learned, the memories we have created and the love we have grown. That’s it. There is a hymn that asks, “Have I done any good in the world today?” It’s a good question to ask ourselves regularly.

A John Denver song says it better than I can. “Love is why I came here in the first place. Love is now the reason I must go. Love is all I ever hoped to find here. Love is still the only dream I know.” Let’s all make a commitment today to love and to live each day as if it was our last. It just might be. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Temper Tantrums Revisited

Brent and I used to teach the nursery class at our church. The ages were 18 months to 3 years old. We loved it!! It was hectic but exciting as we watched them become accustom to the routine. We also were able to be silly. We don’t get to do that enough today.

There was one 2yr old girl who was having a hard time being left by her parents. One parent stayed every Sunday to help her make the adjustment. This went on for longer than usual. One day I suggested that they just leave her with us. I felt that she knew us, was comfortable with us and played well with everyone. I thought she was ready. She was. But boy, she was angry about the whole thing!

She screamed and cried but she was willing to cuddle on my lap as she did. I held her, sang softly to her, rocked her and talked to her. We also continued class as normally as possible. With typical toddler innocence, her class members brought her toys, patted her back and ignored her in turn.

She calmed down a little but still refused to turn around on my lap and participate. I’ll try to explain what happened next. I looked over her head at all the fun she was missing by being mad. The only one she was really hurting was herself. She didn’t get to play. She refused snack. She sat on my lap pouting throughout dance time.

I whispered in her ear, “Oh, sweet girl, I wish I could tell you that it gets better but it doesn’t. You will be having this same battle for the rest of your life. It is a battle with your self. You are missing out on so many things because you don’t want to do what you know you should. If only you could see it the way I do. You would stop crying, get down and be part of the fun. You are loved and those around you want what is best for you.”

At this moment a picture jumped into my head. It was me sitting on my Father’s lap. I was crying. I was saying “No, I don’t want to!” He was rocking me gently, singing to me softly and whispering in my ear, “Oh, sweet girl, I wish I could tell you it gets better but it doesn’t. You will be having this same battle for the rest of your life. It is a battle with your self. You are missing out on so many things because you don’t want to do what you know you should. If only you could see it the way I do. You would stop crying, get down and be part of the fun. You are loved and those around you want what is best for you.”

I was reminded of this lesson during this past week as I did major battle with myself. There have been plenty of times that I have screamed into my pillow- “No, I don’t want to!!” There have also been plenty of times that I finally have said- “Your will not mine”. It is then that I feel His love wash over me and blessings that I could not have foreseen come forth.

That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Well done,my good and faithful servant.

A good man went home this past Saturday. He had been battling with cancer for awhile and although we knew that death was to be the final outcome, it was not expected quite this way. And yet…..if he had chosen for himself, it probably would have been very similar to what happened. It was an incredibly beautiful early spring day. The sun was out, the air was warm and the birds were singing. His wife helped him to the bathroom then back to bed. She headed to the kitchen just down the hall for a glass of water. On the way back she realized that the oxygen machine was silent. Walking into the room she thought how peaceful he looked. It took a few minutes to register in her brain that he was gone.

So many in today’s world view death with fear, they see it as an unknown black abyss. In so doing they often live their lives as if nothing really matters. But to believe in this is to believe in a lie. I know that our life on earth is just a small portion of our eternal lives that started before we were born and continues after our weary bodies are placed in the grave. Everything that we do while here is important to our future.

My friend knew this too. He knew as did the poet William Wordsworth that “Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: The Soul that rises with us, our life’s Star, Hath had elsewhere it’s setting, And cometh from afar: Not in entire forgetfulness, And not in utter darkness, But trailing clouds of glory do we come From God, who is our home.”

Ecclesiastes 12:7 tells us “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” An unknown poet penned the following about death; “The spark of life is like a spark of fire; It flashes forth its beauty, and is gone; So dies the minstrel, leaving Fancy’s lyre Bereft of heart, and chords, and song, and tune; Silent, because it cannot sing alone. Meanwhile, all those who loved it mourn and weep For loss of him with whom it could not sleep.”

We rejoice with the angels that another of God’s sons has been called home. We weep with those who miss his presence, his voice, his prominent place in his family. We look forward to the day when we can again associate with him. We look upon his life as one that has been well lived and we can almost hear His Father’s words, words that we would echo also, “It is finished. Well done, my good and faithful servant.” That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Dark Appetites

This is not a pleasant topic to write about. It is not a pleasant topic to read about so I apologize right now. But I feel strongly that I must raise a warning voice. I just read some of the trial coverage for a NYC police officer who is being charged of conspiracy to kidnap, torture, kill and eat women. His defense team says that since all of his “planning” took place online with others like him, he was just “fantasying”.

That is bullshit! He went so far as to name real women. He looked them up, studied their work and living habits. He looked up drugs, tools, recipes, etc. He “spoke” in great detail about it to others online in particular, one person. He had a timeline planned out. That is way past fantasy. I have read some of his words. They are evil and dark with no respect for human life at all.

I believe that the only thing that stopped him was getting caught. His wife happened upon these sites. She read the plans of her own murder and those of others. She found out that he was spending hours on these sites. She took the computers, her one year old daughter and fled! She went to the FBI. What a courageous woman!

So here is the warning voice and trust me, this is from experience. The scriptures say that “as he thinketh in his heart so is he.” This is so true. I was married to a man with a “full” fantasy life. I watched first hand as he climbed the ladder down one rung at a time into the dark ugly abyss of spiritual and emotional death. In the almost two decades I was with him I watched him progress from one small fantasy desire to another until sex didn’t even look like sex anymore. And none of it had anything to do with love.

I participated in the beginning. I loved him. The little quirky things didn’t seem so bad. What’s the problem? The problem is it never stops with the little things. It is an insatiable appetite always clamoring for more. He too spent hours on the internet. The computer was removed from my home. It was only after I left that I found out he had hidden it in the garage to use whenever he wanted.

I put the brakes on in our bedroom. I gave him a list of what I was willing to participate in. It didn’t stop his trying, his persuasions, his “if you loved me’s.” Our bed became a battlefield. And then something happened that made me realize that I was not safe. I suddenly knew if he had the chance he would use me to fulfill his sick, degrading possibly dangerous fantasy. I left and ended the marriage.

So I am sharing my story and that of the policeman’s wife to any and all of you that might still think that it is possible for a person to spend hours in the sick twisted world of violent sexual fantasy and not become that kind of person. It is impossible!! So whether you are in that world yourself or know someone in that world, it is NOT okay! Do something to get out of it or away from the person who is involved in it. Get help- it is a draining addiction worse than alcohol or drugs. It will destroy you and those around you.

That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Readers

I want to give a big shout out to all my new readers! Welcome aboard!! Thanks to all of my readers who took a moment to click the share button and introduce me to a wider audience. Please keep up the good work! As other “creators” know, creating is only half the journey. The other half is being able to share the picture or play or writing or music or any art with others. And to know that perhaps if only for a moment you touched another person’s life.

I have readers in some interesting places. I actually had to look up the country of Belarus. It’s over in the Russian/ Poland area. Thanks for reading, Belarus! I’m glad that you find the silly things I share relevant to your life. I guess that just goes to prove my point that circumstances may be different but people are the same.

I wanted to take a minute and explain some things on my blog site that might not be apparent to those of us that may be a little techno challenged. I have been writing this blog for about three years. It is possible to go back and read any of those blogs with just a click of the mouse.

On the right side of the blog is a list of recent titles, a listing of this years months and then a list of years. Point and click on any of these to bring up more options. Keep clicking till you find something that interests you. All two hundred and something blogs are available at the click of that mouse. The magic of technology!!

I also wanted to take a minute to explain that recently some of the words in my posts are highlighted. If you click your mouse on these words you will be taken to some kind of advertising site. This has nothing to do with me! I didn’t okay it, I’m not getting money for it and I have yet to figure out how it’s getting there and by whom. Any help in my search would be helpful.

Thanks to all of you who read TVFMSOTS. Thanks to all of you who share it. It’s been a great journey so far! That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Media Lies

I stumbled across a website in my wanderings one day. It caught my eye so I stopped to visit for awhile. It was a fashion site with some appropriate name that I can’t remember- something like “Closet Genie” or “Crafty Closet” or such. The hostess was a stylist for the stars. That should have been my first clue that maybe this particular site wasn’t for me.

This site had ten minute episodes with interesting titles, “Upgrading the Tomboy in You”, “How to dress ten pounds lighter”, “Going from office to nightclub without going home”. The one that caught my eye to begin with was “How to look like a million bucks without spending that much”.

I started watching the “Budget friendly basics.” She lost me at “hello”. Her idea of budget friendly was a $350 purse, $175 shoes and a must have dress for $800. She went on to showcase other items that in her words, “won’t break the bank”.

I know and have known many women in my life’s circle. These women have come from a wide variety of socio- economic backgrounds. I don’t know anyone who would consider $800 for a dress inexpensive. Nor would they feel that way about a $350 bling ring or a $175 belt.

I feel that we are being sold a bill of goods. Not only should all women be a size 0, now we have to spend a lot of money on our clothes or we are nothing. If our handbags aren’t expensive with a designer label we are nothing. If we don’t have the newest phone or other electronic device, we are nothing. If our car is more than a few years old, we are nothing.

If we don’t have white teeth or six pack abs or a year round tan or the latest nail art……..etc…..we are nothing. These messages are lies!! Don’t believe them!! These “things” are superficial and unimportant. These “things” will not bring happiness. Actually, if you really can’t afford them, they will only bring you misery.

And this brings me to my real concern. In earlier blogs, I have talked about needs, wants and wishes. Too many people confuse their wants and wishes with needs. Does a woman need a purse? Of course, does she ever need a $350 purse? Nope. It’s a want or wish. Can she ever have a $350 purse? Maybe but only after all the financial needs of her family have been met.

What are needs? Housing, utilities, insurance, food, transportation, and anything else that is necessary to keep a family alive. These must all be taken care of before the list of wants and wishes (things that keep a lifestyle going).

The following saying was being passed around FB a few weeks ago- “We used to love people and use things. Now we love things and use people.” It is so true. Don’t buy the goods being sold by media today. You are of way more worth than a dress or a size or of anything else. You are a beloved child of God. You have incredible potential. God doesn’t judge us by our outside appearance. He sees right through to our heart. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Another Bump in the Road

My regular readers might remember that my husband is a truck driver. A few years ago he decided that he was ready to come off the road and drive locally for the well established company of ConAgra. This decision was made for a number of reasons. We thought it was time to settle down a little. To do the grown up thing and have a job that provided health insurance and retirement benefits. He had just turned fifty and was planning to keep this job until he chose to retire.

The job has been very demanding with long hard hours and daily changes in the schedule. We felt that the company felt that they “owned” him. Being a team player and looking to the future he has stuck it out. And we adjusted our home life to fit this new lifestyle. The truth of the matter is I saw more of him when he was driving on the road.

His supervisor is retiring this year. Brent has been working hard to be ready to throw his hat in the ring and compete for that job. He had a similar position years ago and felt that he could effect some good changes that would really make a difference in efficiency and quality. In short he felt that he had a good chance at the job.

So saying that we were ill prepared for Tuesdays announcement is a huge understatement. There was a mandatory meeting which everyone thought was to hand out awards. It wasn’t. They were told that ConAgra is eliminating its trucking division completely. They have contracted with an outside trucking company to fill all the trucking needs. The new company is known for its refrigeration fleet but has never done agriculture trucking. It was announced that this takeover would be complete in three months and their jobs finished.

There were many questions asked but not very many answered. The upper echelon simply did not know even the most basic facts. Once the shock wore off there was a general agreement that this will be a huge train wreck. They were assured that all could apply for a job at the new company which will keep its home base in Pasco, WA. This town is at least 45 minutes from here. It sounds as if they want people to punch the clock in and out there. It is early in the process so maybe things will be worked out by the time it starts. I’m willing to give them the benefit of doubt.

It’s just so ironic. We felt we had job security. These plants make French fries for McDonalds! What’s more secure than that? He works with people that have worked there for 30 years. We have good insurance and other benefits. We even get free product from time to time. We felt that we were settled and preparing for our future. And then this!!

This just goes to prove my point that life can change completely in a moment. I’ve learned that lesson a number of times. It also goes to show the uncertain times we live in. Others who have been downsized out of a job in the past few years will agree. This is not our father’s work environment. They worked their whole working life in the same place, steadily climbing the ladder until they reached a retirement party and a gold watch. Not so today. Sigh….sigh.

We’ll be alright. We have some long tested survival skills. We could make it work living under an overpass somewhere. My girls would add “after she cleaned, organized and beautified the place.” They know me so well. That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?