Monday, June 24, 2013

I Hate Being a Girl

There are times when I just hate being a girl. Mind you, it doesn't happen very often because usually I love everything about being female. But every once in hits me. Today was one of those days. I just couldn't find something to wear. I hate when that happens. My husband can get up, throw on the first thing he grabs and go. Oh, how I wish it was that easy for me.

I'm on a diet (of course). I am losing weight(slowly, very slowly). I am enduring the moment when my husband sits on the couch with a container of ice cream and a big spoon while I nibble carrot sticks beside him. I am making meals and cookies and cakes for my family without even licking the spoons or my fingers. I should be so happy that I am so committed to making this work, right?

NO! Because anyone who has lost weight knows that it comes off in all the strange places first. Not only that but the rest of your mass shifts along with the loss. So jeans I have been wearing for several years suddenly won't allow me to zip and button even when I do the “ lay on the bed” thing. I tried on four pairs before I found something that fit! Monday is my weigh-in day and I should have been on a success high all day. Instead I feel like a hippo because my pants won't fit.

Belly fat is always the last to go. I now have to be careful what shirts I wear. I want to cover up my now protruding stomach so a lot of my tops aren't long enough. Of course, after a number of failed attempts, I'm frustrated beyond frustration. This is when the “I hate being a girl” feeling hits.

The worst of it is, why do I care what I'm wearing? Nobody but me and my family are going to see me. So it really shouldn't matter what I put on. This is the talk that I give to myself and the reasonable side of me agrees. It's just that female thing going on again. And I don't know about the rest of the girl world but I literally cannot continue my day until I have found the outfit that's just right. How crazy is that?

But the moment comes when I find it, do my makeup, put on my shoes and give a contented sigh. I feel and look good. There is the key. It doesn't matter how great we might look in something. It doesn't matter if everyone stares and tells you how gorgeous you are. It doesn't matter if you are dressed in designer clothes or jeans from Wal-Mart. If you don't feel good in it you won't like it. Period. Amen. That's the view from my side of the street, what's yours?

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