Monday, June 20, 2011

Yucchh! Old People Love!

I just heard a new Brad Paisley song about a couple wanting to feel the same excitement and get lost in the loving feelings that they had when they were a “new” couple. I have some things to share on the subject. If you, like my children, think that “old” people love is ggrrrooosss, stop reading now. If you have the wisdom to realize that you too will experience “old” people love one day, (if you are very lucky) then read on.
“New” love is like eating at a five star restaurant. Each course is tantalizing in its newness. It is tempting in its presentation. The excitement of discovery accompanies each new dish. The meal is designed to leave you wanting more and you do. Scanty portions and unfamiliar tastes combine to lure you on to the next dish. Rarely do you leave such a meal full and satiated. Few are those that could eat like this all the time.
“Old” love is like Grandma’s Sunday dinner. The menu may not vary much but the minute you step into the house and smell those biscuits the promise of complete satisfaction starts those taste buds salivating! You know what to expect. There are always perfect mashed potatoes. The ham is always accompanied by peas and the roast beef with a salad. Dessert may vary some but it’s always good. You know for sure that you will not go away hungry.
During the child raising years- McDonald’s might be on the menu more than you like but believe me when I say that nobody has forgotten how to cook. The hardest years are when you have teenagers to keep up with. Careers, too, might be needing extra attention at this time. Sometimes there isn’t even time for McDonalds- you may have to settle for tossing a poptart at each other.
Don’t panic!! This period of life is relatively short! Once the kids start leaving- whoa- you both get REAL interested in home cooking again. It’s really the best time of all because sometimes it’s the five star restaurant and sometimes it’s Sunday dinner and sometimes it’s McDonalds. Sometimes it’s all three!
Sometimes it’s just the poptart but even that is more filling than it ever was before because years of togetherness has flavored it until it’s just right for both of you. As a matter of fact, it’s even better than the five star meals used to be. This is because it is your own poptart, made from wholesome ingredients such as patience, unselfishness, experience and love.
And then you feel sorry for all those who think that five star meals are the best. They sure don’t know what they’re missing! That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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