Friday, December 3, 2010


He knows how. He did a good job of taking care of himself and his house after his divorce. But now he My husband does not do housework. That point must be perfectly clear for this story to mean anything. does the lawn, the wood, the garbage, the cars, etc. I take care of the house, bills, children, etc.
He will do housework if I ask him to but I rarely do. His jobs have always been time and energy demanding. What little time he has at home he needs for his responsibilities. He also works better if I let him plan his own time off. I’ll ask for a few “honeydos” ahead of time. If I leave him alone about them he’ll get them done in his time and way.
Now before anyone feels sorry for me, I need to say that while he doesn’t often do housework he ALWAYS cleans up after himself. He makes the bed if he’s the last one out of it. His dirty clothes are always in the basket- right side out and empty pockets I might add. He always rinses his dishes and puts them in the sink. When he makes his lunches for work everything gets put away. I have never had to pick up after him. This is huge! I really appreciate it.
He also never complains when the house is a mess. He knows that I will get to it as soon as I can and doesn’t bug me about it. If I leave a mess on the counter, it stays there until I clean it up. We both dislike clutter and mess so I never leave it long.
Which brings me to my story-my regular readers know what the night before Thanksgiving was like for me (see Thanksgiving reality). Thanksgiving Day went well. It was a little hectic because I had to clean up from the night before and remake three pies before making the actual dinner. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. I took a nap which ended up being all night.
I woke the next morning with a groan- none of the dinner mess had been cleaned up. I was going to get to it after my “nap”. I dreaded going to the kitchen and chiseling gravy off everything. I was angry at myself for not having done it before lying down. I rolled out of bed, tried to put my game face on and headed to the kitchen.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear but a shiny clean kitchen done by my darling dear!!!!! The table was back to its normal size, the extra table put away. Pots and pans were in their proper places. Counters were clean, dishes were put away. It was MAGIC!
It was also his way of saying thank-you, I love you and I’m so sorry for turning on the wrong burner and blowing up your pie all in one big gesture. What a guy- I think he’s a keeper!
That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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