Wednesday, August 17, 2011


We all know the story about Jesus walking on water. He was walking from the shore to the ship that awaited him. The sea was choppy and the wind blew hard. As he neared the boat, Peter climbed overboard and began walking towards Jesus. He became fearful after a few steps and began to sink.
Much attention is given to the fact that he lost his faith and sank. Many sermons have been given on this subject. But not much is ever said about the facts that I think are important. Peter climbed over the railing of the boat, he stepped into stormy seas and he actually walked on the water for a few steps! How many of us could have done that much?
There were others on that boat. Did any of them climb the rail? Did any of them risk all to attempt the impossible? No. They stayed on board, safe and dry. But Peter wanted to walk on water. He made the effort. He risked everything to make that attempt. Yes, he failed. But isn’t it remarkable that he even tried?
I was reminded of this on a recent road trip with some of my children. One of my teenagers was very vocal about what she perceived to be my past failures and bad choices. Of course, most of her information came from her father. It was one sided at best. I pointed out that there are always two sides to every story and usually both of those sides are a little warped.
But as I pondered on the things she had said I realized that her focus was on what she thought were my failures. She had no concept of the efforts, circumstances or atmosphere surrounding each of my “failures”. She is too young to know of the blood, sweat and tears that accompanied these events.
And I came to understand more deeply the instructions to “judge not”. Only God can know all the circumstances. Only God can know the intentions in a person’s heart. Only God can make a true judgment. He knows what it took to climb out of the boat.
That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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