Friday, October 12, 2012

What is your self-worth based on?

I’ve been helping a woman with her fall cleaning. She works full time and runs her husband’s business. It’s harvest and she is working overtime in both jobs. And yet she feels the need to apologize for needing help and for the fact that her house is dirty. The other day she told me that she got up early just to do the dishes before I came over. She asked, “Why do I do that?”

I replied, “You are a woman. Part of you thinks that your self- worth is all about how you keep your house- you probably think I will judge the type of person you are by how clean or dirty your home is.” She thought about it for a few minutes and decided I was right. This began an interesting conversation about the ways we judge our own self-worth.

I realized as we talked that most of the things we base our self worth on are so transitional. Our looks, size, positions, jobs, families, complexions, etc. are all things that change throughout life. Why do we base who we are on such fluid, uncontrollable things?

Some base their identity on things that have happened to them whether these events have been good or bad. We are more than the things that have been done to us. We are more than the awards that have been given to us. We stop our development if this is what we use to define ourselves.

Our roles in life will all change as life progresses. We are more than spouse, parent or child. We are more than boss, employee, manager, clerk, or any other jobs we might hold.

It is a guarantee in life that we will not always be young. Growing old is inevitable no matter how much plastic surgery you have. If your sense of worth and beauty are based in youth, what will happen when time marches on?

So many people today are hurting deeply because they don’t know who they are beyond these worldly labels and limits. When these are stripped from them by circumstances beyond their control, they are lost and soul naked. It is vulnerability beyond description.

Who are we……….? We are children of a loving Father in Heaven who knows each one of us and cherishes each one of us. This is often beyond our human understanding but ask any mother about a child she has not seen for years and you will see this kind of love in action. Talk to a parent about a wayward child and you will see this kind of love in action. If we as mere humans can love this much, how much more can God?

He has assured us that the hairs of our head are numbered. He tells us that the each sparrow is known and we are of more value than many sparrows. With divinity as our parentage, are we not so much more than whatever limitations the world may put upon us?

Don’t listen to the voices around you that tell you what you cannot do. Don’t listen to the voices around you that tell you what you cannot be. Instead, listen to the voice inside of you that says you can be or do anything good that you want to. You are a child of God and as such have the rights to all things good. It’s up to you to claim them.

That’s the view from my side of the street, what’s yours?

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